How To Shoot Behind The Scenes Video Content

Behind the scenes videos offer a real and honest insight into the operations of a business. They are potent tools for boosting your brand's transparency and credibility, putting a face to the name, and reinforcing relationships with customers. These videos also provide content that is engaging and instantly shareable among your audience, making them an integral part of any modern business's online strategy.

Does creating behind the scenes videos sound intimidating? You may be surprised to know that these do not necessarily require a high-budget production team. Whether you own a small business that's just getting off the ground or a well-established corporation, shooting impressive behind the scenes videos is within your reach.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a compelling behind the scenes video that reflects the true essence of your business.

Knowing your Purpose and Objective

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Before diving into capturing your Behind the Scenes (BTS) video, it's crucial to understand its purpose. Different businesses have different objectives; the same applies to a BTS video.

Ask yourself, why am I creating this BTS video?

Maybe you're aiming for Transparency, showcasing your raw, unfiltered corporate culture to build customer trust.

Or, you're going for Learning. That involves educating your customers about how your product or service comes to life.

Possibly Appreciation is your goal, giving credit to your tireless workforce by highlighting their processes and contribution.

Whatever your objective is, keeping it at the forefront ensures a cohesive and targeted BTS video.

Define your purpose clearly. It will give your BTS video footage more depth and relevance. Remember, a clear objective isn't just a silent guide, it's the silent captivator for your audience.

Assembling the Right Equipment

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Before diving into the process of shooting, it's crucial to gather the right equipment.

A professional-grade camera is key to delivering high-quality footage. While smartphones can sometimes work, they often fall short in capturing certain details.

Next, good lighting is essential. Natural light is best, but various light sources can help - ring lights, softboxes, or LED panels. Adjust the color temperature as per your choice or use color gels for different effects.

Also remember, audio is half the viewing experience. Invest in a good shotgun microphone, or a lavalier if you prefer, for clean audible dialogues.

Lastly, don't forget a reliable tripod to avoid shaky footage.

Remember, quality equipment is a surefire path to enhancing the production value and making your behind the scenes video captivating. This preparation will pave an easier path for executing an engaging BTS shoot.

Planning your Behind The Scenes Shoot

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Planning your behind the scenes shoot is an essential part of the process. Start with outlining your video content. Think about what aspects of your business you want to highlight, perhaps areas the public don't normally see.

Identify interesting moments in your day-to-day operations that might capture viewers' attention. Do not forget about your employees. Candid shots of them engaging in their work can create an emotional connection with your audience.

Once you've decided on your content, create a rough script. It helps guide your process and keeps everything organized. However, leave room for spontaneity. Authentic, unexpected moments can make your video more captivating.

Consider lighting and sound as well. Good lighting important for video quality, while clear audio ensures your message is perfectly understood.

Lastly, don't shy away from multiple takes. It's better to have more footage to choose from during the editing process.

Capturing Candid Moments

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Candid moments hold immense value in any behind the scenes video. They depict authenticity and real connection, presenting an unfiltered glimpse into the processes, emotions, and personalities of your team.

Begin by setting your camera in a strategic locale. Don't interrupt your team or coworkers; let them go about their regular tasks. This will foster an atmosphere conducive to capturing genuine moments.

Maintain a fly-on-the-wall approach. Focusing on capturing reactions rather than staging scenes will yield the most compelling footage. Remember, candid doesn't mean unplanned. Predetermine the activities or processes you aim to capture candidly.

Lastly, keep filming. The beauty of candid moments is their unpredictability, so always stay ready to capture an impromptu brainstorming session or spur-of-the-moment decision making. That's where the magic truly lies.

In the end, your video will shine with refreshing authenticity that strengthens your brand's professional image.

Highlighting the Work Process

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Behind the scenes provides a great opportunity to honestly show your work process. The first thing in shooting BTS for your brand is planning what to film - getting yourself organized goes a long way.

You'll want to capture moments that display the actual performance of tasks, team collaboration, decision-making scenarios, creative brainstorming sessions, and even the occasional fun or relaxed moments.

You should try to communicate the spirit of your work environment: the sincerity, the dedication, and the passion. These videos are raw and real - they don't usually need professional polish; all they need is authenticity and transparency.

Remember, an honest peek into your work process through BTS videos not only builds trust with your target audience but it also presents a unique chance to showcase your professionalism and commitment to quality.

Interviews: Getting Insightful content

A Man in Denim Jacket

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Interviewing individuals provides a wealth of insightful content for behind the scenes videos. But how do we ensure we're getting the most out of these interviews?

Start by preparing. Research the person you'll be interviewing. Knowing their background allows you to craft questions that garner meaningful responses. Don't be afraid to ask open-ended questions!

During the interview, make it conversational. This helps to create a relaxed atmosphere, encouraging the interviewee to share more. Be attentive to their responses, listening for opportunities to delve deeper into their experiences.

Remember, people love stories. Encourage your interviewees to share anecdotes or personal experiences. Often, these stories provide the most engaging and insightful content.

In the end, it's about creating a video that offers an authentic and engaging glimpse behind the scenes. With thoughtful preparation, you can ensure your interviews deliver just that.

Post-Production: Editing your Footage

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Post-production is where the raw footage of your behind the scenes video comes to life. This is when you'll mold your clips into a coherent and engaging story. Through editing, you streamline your footage into a captivating narrative.

Start by organizing your clips. Review all your footage, and mark the sections you think are suitable for the final edit. You need to ensure that your material logically flows from one scene to the next.

Next, start trimming excess parts to maintain a clear and concise feel. Include different types of shots to keep your viewers engaged. Keep in mind, it's about highlighting the interesting aspects of 'behind the scenes,' not showcasing every single moment.

More importantly, don't forget to color correct your footage and to add quality sound design to immerse the viewers fully. Remember, the cut between scenes also sets the pace. Take extra time in refining these transitions to create a smooth viewing experience.

Music and Subtitles: Enhancing the Video

how to shoot behind the scenes video

Music and subtitles play a critical role in elevating your behind-the-scenes video to a professional experience. Turn on some background music; it effectively sets the tone and engages viewers. Reserve High-tempo music for action-filled moments and slow tempo for reflective ones.

Now, subtitles. They make your content more inclusive and accessible. Irrespective of the viewer's language skill or physical ability, everyone should grasp your video. Do pay attention to the font, color, and size, ensuring it's readable on any device.

Moreover, subtitles are also handy for those situations where the audio is bad or inaudible. Presenting content visually through subtitles could save the day.

Remember, the goal of these add-ons is to enhance your video, not distract from it. So, balance is key.

Behind The Scenes Content, Artform Style!

Behind the Scenes of a recent Artform Design & Studio production shoot for an apparel client.

We tagged along on this shoot to gain some production knowledge from some industry pros.


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