How Gen Z Dresses
The generation following millennials is known as Generation Z. They were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s, making them a late-teen to young-adult generation.
Their defining characteristics include being connected through technology, having a global perspective, and being socially conscious. As children, they were exposed to many types of people through social media and globalization via the internet.
Their wardrobe choices are very fresh, fun, and interesting. Since they grew up with access to cheap fashion online, they are not afraid to experiment with lots of different styles. They are also very willing to go out of their comfort zone when it comes to what they wear.
They are known for their casual dress style that does not conform to one particular type of clothing. Some examples of what they wear include athletic gear like leggings and sweatshirts, loose-fitted pants or shorts with t-shirts or sweatshirts, and coat jackets with casual dress underneath.
Gen Z prefers comfortable clothing

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One major difference between Gen Z and generations before is their preference for comfortable clothing. Unlike older generations, who preferred tight, fitted clothes, Gen Z likes loose, flowing garments.
This could be due to the access to technology they have. As technology has evolved, so has the quality of the clothing they need to wear while working with it.
Tech gear is getting bigger and bigger every year, so teens need roomy clothing to fit all of their gadgets!
Other factors include the growing obesity rate in America, with Gen Z being born into this environment, and their focus on mental health which includes feeling comfortable and confident.
Clothing is a way to express that confidence so choosing soft fabrics like fleece or sweatshirts is a way to feel comfortable. Lastly, buying second-hand clothes is a way to remain budget-friendly while still having nice looking outfits.
They wear sweatshirts often

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Despite what many believe, this is not because they are too lazy to put on a shirt. Rather, it is because sweatshirts are a piece of clothing that Gen Z treasures.
Sweatshirts are one of the first things people buy when going shopping. They can be personalized or printed, and they come in a variety of colors and patterns.
Gen Zers love sweatshirts because they are comfortable and easy to wear. They can be worn with anything from jeans to joggers or pyjamas. This makes them a perfect piece of clothing!
Many even keep their sweatshirts in their bedroom as either decorations or actual sleepwear depending on how cool they are.
Given that it gets warm during the summer, it is not uncommon to see people wearing their favorite sweatshirts underneath lighter jackets or raincoats.
What Are Jeans?

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Many gen Zers do not wear jeans at all. Rather, they wear leggings as pants instead. Some even dress in leggings exclusively!
Jeans can be difficult to dress up and down. For instance, it can be hard to find the right shirt or jacket to put over it to dress it up, or find the right pair of shoes to wear with it that does not look too casual.
Leggings as pants do not have this issue since they are the actual garment used as pants. Layers can also be added without looking weird or being uncomfortable.
However you choose to dress your legs, gen Zers tend to keep them covered more than older generations did.
Sneakers are a must

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In contrast to their millennial predecessors, Gen Z looks to dress in a very specific way. Sneakers are a must, and black is the dominant color.
Unlike millennials who wore whatever sneakers they wanted, be it Nikes or Reeboks, Gen Z has set rules for which brands you can wear.
If you do not have at least two pairs of black sneakers, one pair of white sneakers, and at least one pair of gray or clear-out sneakers, then you are not dressed properly according to Gen Z norms.
Sneakers can be bought from cheap websites like Alibaba or Sitejabber and cost around $20-$30 depending on the model. This is why many people can afford to have multiple pairs of sneakers.
The concept of having multiple colors of the same sneaker comes from using different colored laces to customize them. Laces can be bought from stores like Target or Walmart for under $5 depending on the length.
They love themed outfits

While Gen Z’s love for fashion is pretty obvious, what may be less obvious is their love for themed outfits.
Many kids and teens are fond of creating “looks” that feature a unique combination of clothes, accessories, and possibly even props or makeup. It can be very fun to put together different pieces to create a story or say something about you.
Themed outfits can vary from very simple ones, like white sneakers with a red shirt, to ones that take hours to put together depending on how many pieces you use and how much matching and blending you do.
Some popular themes include Disney characters, food-themed ensembles, trends like rainbow- Fashionista!-themed looks, and general everyday clothing turned into the opposite with flip-flops instead of boots or sweatshirts instead of jackets, for example.
This is not limited to just clothing either! Many people like to match their nails or hair with their look. Some even do some quick hair and makeup changes between takes or shots on a set depending on the theme of the scene.
They use clothes to express their personality

Unlike the generations before them, Gen Z doesn’t seem to be too concerned about what clothes they wear. They are not very fashion-conscious, nor are they very brand-conscious.
They dress in a very casual, comfortable way. For example, they do not care if their pants have holes in them or their shirts do not have a collar.
They just pick what feels good to them and what expresses their personality. For instance, if they like dolphins then they will probably wear a dolphin shirt!
Gen Zers love to experiment with different looks and styles. They like to put together pieces that do not match but still look good together. For example, one may wear a formal button-up shirt with ripped jeans and boots. Or one may wear a turtle neck underneath a sweatshirt.
Overall, Gen Z dresses in ways that make them feel good about themselves and express who they are as a person.
Gen Z is not as concerned with keeping up with the latest trends

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Unlike generations before them, they are not as interested in fashion. They are more interested in being unique than looking trendy.
They flock to social media to get inspiration for how to dress. They spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos where costumers create new looks or re-create old ones.
Gen Z loves to mix and match pieces, like wearing t-shirt dresses or sweatshirts with jackets over them. They love baggy clothes as well.
Overall, they love very casual, comfortable clothing that allows them to be who they are. They do not care if their clothes match or what color they are, they just want to be comfy!
Some of them may even go so far as buying the same clothing in different colors so that they have enough options to wear different outfits without having to shop again.
They like simple and clean looks

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Unlike millennials, who love to mix and match fashion trends, Gen Z prefers simple and clean looks.They are not as interested in constantly re-inventing the fashion wheel like millennials seem to love doing.
They prefer keeping things simple with little to no fuss. This may be due to the fact that they grew up with the internet at their fingertips.
They quickly became aware of all the different fashion trends circulating the world and knew how easily they could find the pieces to dress in them.
Plus, with so many different brands offering cheap clothing, it is easy to build a wardrobe of simple, clean looks without spending a lot of money.
A lot of them appreciate when others dress simply or in casual clothes rather than heavy material or ostentatious outfits. This shows their own sense of style without distracting from someone else’s.